Email Hosting: POP3 vs. IMAP

11008394895_5e22c3af3c_bWhat is the difference between POP3 and IMAP? Both are standard email protocols for accessing your email through a remote server, such as an iPad or smartphone. Both can deliver your email to you no matter where you are, but both function in two different ways. Many email hosting companies now use IMAP, even though that POP3 has some advantages. Read more to find out why.

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How to Setup Automated Signature for Email

automated signature for email - Webmail Signature

What is an automated signature for email? It is a signature is automatically placed at the bottom of all emails you compose or reply to. Under your “signature,” or typed name, you can also put your contact information. This saves a lot of time and allows all of the recipients to have access to your contact information in any email you send.

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Automated Response Emails

What are automated response emails? Automated response emails are perfect for when you go on a business trip or vacation and can not be there to answer any emails until a later date. When someone tries to send you an email, an automatic response email will be sent back letting them know that you are out of the office and will not be able to respond until a certain date. You can personalize this message in any way you choose. Continue reading Automated Response Emails

Email Forwarding

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If you are wanting to setup auto-email forwarding so that it will automatically forward any emails sent to a specific account to another account, you are able to do this with caMail. This is useful if you have an employee who no longer works for your company, or if you are wanting to consolidate your email accounts so you only have to check one.

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