How to Setup Tax Exemption in Magento 1.9.x

Setup Tax Exemption in Magento

Many may be wondering how to setup tax exemption in Magento eCommerce stores for their customers. We will discuss a simple step-by-step process to setup tax exemption for your customers in your eCommerce store through Magento 1.9.x.

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Magento SUPEE-5344 – Shoplift Bug Patch

Magento SUPEE-5344 – Shoplift Bug Patch

In late January of 2015 the was a report to Magento by Check Point Software Technologies of the first remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability, or “shoplift” bug. This bug affects both Magento Enterprise Edition and Magento Community Edition, which allows attackers to obtain control over a store and its sensitive data, including personal customer information. As of February 9, 2015, Magento released a patch for this issue. Therefore, we will discuss the Magento SUPEE-5344 – Shoplift Bug Patch.

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