Magento Community Edition (CE) Release Notes (1.9 and later)

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How to Use KeePass to Log Into Websites

how to use Keepass to log into websites - Keepass icon

In the last guide, we discussed how to set up your KeePass Database. Now that you are ready to utilize KeePass, we will cover exactly how you will use KeePass in most common situations, including how to use KeePass to log into websites. Below is a step-by-step guide to utilize KeePass’ features such as auto-typing your login information.

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How To Store Passwords Using KeePass

how to store passwords using KeePass - Password Manager

KeePass is a program that is widely used to store complex passwords to websites, emails, bank accounts, etc. This program is such a powerful tool, and if used correctly it can provide maximum security to your home computer, company machine and online tools. We have put together a tutorial on how to store passwords using KeePass.

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Email Setup for OS X Mac Mail

Email Setup for OS X Mac Mail - Preferences

This guide outlines the procedure to configure your OS X Mac Mail to interface with the Centennial Arts email server. Before attempting this guide, make sure you have configured an email account with Centennial Arts and have the username and password information on hand. We have put together the steps to email setup for OS X Mac Mail.

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Adding Content With caWeb Designer

Centennial Arts -- Website Designer 2013-12-02 17-12-24For the people out there that want to put the right information in  yourself, well you have your first and only caWeb Designer that lets you do it yourself. Adding content Is the easiest thing to do in the caWeb Designer. You choose the content design and then just fill in the text and images. You can choose to either put your own images in the fields or you can choose the images that are already given to you. Today, I am going to teach you how to add content the right way.

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